Optical Lenses
The oldest lens artefact dates back 2700 years to ancient Assyria and is believed to have been used as a magnifier. Subsequent artefacts indicate that Vikings ground rock crystal into optical lenses using pole lathes in the 11th Century, producing a design only surpassed in the last 60 years by modern lens manufacturers.
As an independent practice we work with a large range of providers at the cutting edge of modern lens design such as Zeiss, Nikon, Essilor and Hoya and many others. This enables us to provide bespoke products to suit your individual requirements, ensuring you get the optimum performance from your lenses whilst producing the best possible cosmetic appearance.
In these days of style it is vital not to overlook the impact that correct lens selection can have on the appearance of your spectacles and more importantly the quality of vision that you get from them.
We will take time to explain and advise you what the best solution is for your prescription, frame choice and budget. We ensure you are fully informed by taking the time to appreciate what your specific requirements are by discussing a range of solutions which best suits you.